About the Consultant

Professor Susan Rankin – Rankin & Associates Consulting

Susan RankinRankin is a faculty member in education policy studies and college student affairs at Pennsylvania State University and a senior research associate at the Center for the Study of Higher Education. She has extensive experience in institutional climate assessment and institutional climate transformation based on data-driven action and strategic planning. Rankin has conducted multi-location institutional climate studies at other university systems across the country.

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Systemwide Work Team Co-Chairs

Gibor BasriProfessor Gibor Basri, UC Berkeley

Basri has been the vice chancellor of equity, inclusion and diversity at UC Berkeley since 2007 and leads the campus's Strategic Plan for Equity, Inclusion and Diversity. Basri earned his doctorate in astrophysics from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and moved to UC Berkeley on a Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellowship. He joined the Astronomy Department faculty in 1982. His involvement with student diversity at UC Berkeley started almost immediately. He has chaired task forces for the UC president and regents, and was instrumental in launching the Berkeley Diversity Research Initiative (now the Hass Diversity Research Center).

Jan CorlettJan Corlett, UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Corlett is chief of staff to the vice president of the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the UC Office of the President. She began her career with UC in 1999 at UC Davis. In 2002, she moved to UCOP and was promoted to executive officer and chief of staff to the provost in 2009. She has led a number of diversity efforts at UC, including the development of the first Accountability Report to the Regents on University Diversity.  Corlett earned a master's in international agricultural development and doctorate in geography from UC Davis.

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